Bilde: Creative Commons: John Englart


På invitasjon fra IAEA og Belgias statsminister, vil den internasjonale atomlobbyen holde et atomenergi-toppmøte i Brussel 21. mars.

Atomlobbyen kamuflerer seg selv under en klimavennlig fasade, i håp om å skaffe massive pengesummer – tatt fra reelle klimaløsninger, på bekostning av mennesker og kloden.

Verden står overfor flere sosiale, miljømessige og økonomiske kriser. Folk er bekymret for levekostnadene, ekstremvær knyttet til klimaendringer og for høyre strømregninger. Lobbyister og politikere på atomkrafttoppmøtet vil presentere bygging av nye kjernekraftverk som svaret, men dette består ikke en grunnleggende realitetstest.

Ny kjernekraft er for treg til å takle klimakrisen. Kjernekraftverk under utvikling har blitt alvorlig forsinket og vil ikke kunne bidra meningsfullt til å kutte karbonutslipp dette tiåret. Mens klimagassutslippene må kuttes drastisk innen 2030 for å begrense den globale temperaturstigningen til mindre enn 1,5 grader, vil eventuelle nye atomkraftverk som blir planlagt nå ikke kunne kobles til strømnettet før langt etter denne fristen. Nye atomkraftverk er en distraksjon som bremser energiomstillingen. Et raskt skifte bort fra fossilt brensel bør i stedet fokusere på å bygge et 100 % fornybart energi kombinert med energieffektivitet og tiltak for å unngå overdreven energibruk. Sammen kan disse tiltakene møte verdens energibehov på en måte som er rettferdig, miljøvennlig og oppnåelig.

Kjernekraft er mye dyrere enn fornybar energi. Mens kjernefysiske prosjekter står overfor enorme budsjettoverskridelser og kanselleringer på grunn av skyhøye kostnader, er fornybar energi billigere enn noen gang før, og de relative kostnadene synker kraftig sammenlignet med atomkraft. Nye atomkraftverk er opptil fire ganger så dyre som vindkraft, ifølge World Nuclear Industry Status Report fra 2023. Myndighetene må investere i utprøvde klimaløsninger, som isolasjon av hus, offentlig transport og fornybar energi, i stedet for dyre eksperimenter, som små modulære reaktorer, som ikke har noen garantier for å faktisk kunne levere.Atomkraft er farlig. Fra gruvedrift for å utvinne uran til radioaktivt avfall er kjernekraftproduksjon en risiko for menneskers helse, sikkerhet og miljø.

 Atomkraft kan brukes som militære mål og øke risikoen for spredning av atomvåpen over hele verden, bruk av utarmet uran og atombomber. Klimakrisen øker også risikoen forbundet med kjernekraft, ettersom økte hetebølger, tørke, stormer og flom utgjør betydelige trusler mot selve anleggene og for system som har som mål å forhindre atomulykker. Vi lever i en klimakrise. Tiden er dyrebar, og for mange regjeringer kaster tiden bort på atomenergi-eventyr. Det vi krever er en rettferdig overgang mot et trygt, fornybart og rimelig energisystem som sikrer arbeidsplasser og beskytter livet på planeten vår.


Disse organisasjonene har signert oppropet pr. 10.mars 24

The following organisations support and sign this declaration:


11 maart beweging

Action des Citoyens pour le Désarmement Nucléaire (ACDN)

Aktionsbündnis Energiewende Heilbronn

Alofa Tuvalu

Anti Atom Berlin

Anti-Atom-Bündnis in Berlin und Potsdam

Anti Atom Komitee

Anti-Atom-Initiative Karlsruhe

Antiatomnetz Trier

(AQLPA) Association québécoise de lutte contre la pollution atmosphérique

Association For Promotion Sustainable Development

Association SALAM

atomstopp_atomkraftfrei leben!


ATTAC France



Australian Conservation Foundation

Austrian Institute of Ecology

AWMR Italia Donne della Regione Mediterranea

AbibiNsroma Foundation

ACEVE (assoc. pour la cohérence environnementale en Vienne) en Vienne)

Arbeitsgemeinschaft AtomErbe Neckarwestheim

Arrêt Du Nucléaire Drôme- Ardèche

Begegnungszentrum für aktive Gewaltlosigkeit

Belgian Coalition Stop Uranium Weapons

Beyond Nuclear

Beyond Uranium Canberra

Black Hills Clean Water Alliance

Black Environmental Initiative

Blue Dalian

Bond Beter Leefmilieu

Borsele tot de Kern


Bruxelles Panthères

Bund der Buergerinitiativen Mittlerer Neckar e.V. (BBMN)

Bürgerinitiative kein Atommüll in Ahaus e.V.

Bürgerinitiative Umweltschutz Lüchow-Dannenberg e.V.

Calla – Sdružení pro záchranu prostředí / Association for Preservation of the Environment

Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (CND)

Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility

Canadian Environmental Law Association

Canadian Health Association for Sustainability and Equity (CHASE)


Cape Downwinders


Center for Wellbeing Economics

Center for Environment

Center for Environment, Bosnia

Center for Environmental Initiatives Ecoaction

Centre for Environmental Justice

Centre for Human Rights and Development

Citizen Energy Tottori

Citizens Against Radioactive Neighbourhoods

Citizens’ Climate Lobby Canada

Citizens’ Nuclear Information Center

Citizens’ Resistance at Fermi Two (CRAFT)

Civil Forum on Nuclear Radiation Damages(CFNRD) of Japan

Climate Action for Lifelong Learners (CALL)

Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe

Climate Express


Coalition for a Clean Green Saskatchewan

Coalition for Nuclear Disarmament and Peace

Coalition for Responsible Energy Development in New Brunswick

Coalition for a Nuclear Free Great Lakes


Collectif loire Vienne Zéro nucléaire

Committee for Future Generations

Concerned Citizens of Manitoba

Congolese Civil Society of South Africa

Consumers’ Association of Penang

Council of Canadians – Le Conseil des Canadiens

Council Of Canadians – Halifax Nova Scotia Chapter

Council of Canadians Fredericton Chapter

Council of Canadians – Kitchissippi-Ottawa Valley Chapter

Council of Canadians, London Chapter

Council of Canadians, Ottawa chapter

Council of Canadians, Regina Chapter

Council of Canadians, Waterloo Region Chapter

County Sustainability Group

Cumbria and Lancashire Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

Degrowth & Alternatives

Deutscher Naturschutzring (DNR) e.V.

Don’t Waste Michigan


Earthlife Namibia



Ecologistas en Acción

Ecomujer – Frauen und Umwelt

Ekosfer Association

eMERGE Guelph Sustainability

Enfants de Tchernobyl Belarus

Environment North

Environmental Jurists Association

Environmentalists Against War

Estonian Green Movement

Eurosolar Lëtzebuerg Asbl

Extinction Rebellion New Brunswick

Fairtrade Letzebuerg

Fin du Nucléaire asbl

Fondation Rivières

Food & Water Action Europe

Forum InformatikerInnen für Frieden und gesellschaftliche Verantwortung e.V. (FifF)

Forum for Democratizing Radiological Protection 2023-3x

Fridays For Future Ottawa

Friends of the Earth Adelaide

Friends of the Earth Australia

Friends of the Earth Canada

Friends of the Earth England, Wales and Northern Ireland

Friends of the Earth Japan

Friends of the Earth US

Fundación Renovables

Gemeinsam für Sonne und Freiheit

GLOBAL 2000 – Friends ft he Earth Austria

Global Chance

Global women for peace united against nato (GWUAN)

Grandmothers Act to Save the Planet (GASP)

Grandmothers Advocacy Network

Green Longjiang

Greek affiliate of IPPNW

Green Action (Japan)

Green Liberty






Incomindios – International Committee for the Indigenous Peoples of the Americas

In Defense of Human Rights and Dignity Movement (iDEFEND)

Indian Doctors for Peace and Development

Indian Social Action Forum

Initiative 3 Rosen e.V., Aachen (D)

Intern. No to war No to NATO network

International Coalition for a ban on uranium weapons

International Network for Sustainable Energy – Europe

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW)

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), Germany

International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, local group of Aken (Germany)

Iwate Committee to Protect the Sanriku Sea from radiation 

Jihočeské matky, z.s. 



Kilusan para sa Pambansang Demokrasya

Khmelnytskyi energy cluster



Korean American Peace Fund 

Laka Foundation


Les Amis de la Terre- Togo

Life & Safety Network

Links Ecologisch Forum/Forum Gauche Ecologie

Manhattan Project for a Nuclear-Free World

Massachusetts Peace Action

Medical Association for Prevention of War (Australia)

Melbourne Unitarian Peace Memorial Church

Mersin Nükleer Karşıtı Platform

Milieu front Eijsden

Milieudefensie Maastricht

Mineral Inheritors Rights Association

mines,minerals & PEOPLE

Missionaries of the Sacred Heart Justice and Peace Centre

Mom Loves Taiwan Association

Mongolian remote sensing society

Montreal for a World BEYOND War

Mouvement Ecologique (Friends of the Earth Luxembourg)

Movement for Advancing Understanding of Sustainability And Mutuality MAUSAM

Movimiento Ibérico Antinuclear

Mütter gegen Atomgefahr | Mothers against Nuclear Hazard 

Naturopathic Doctors for Environmental and Social Trust


Nevada Nuclear Waste Task Force

New Brunswick Anti-Shale Gas Alliance

New Zealand Nuclear Free Peacemakers


NM Social Justice & Equity Institute

No Nukes Asia Forum Japan

No Nukes Asia Forum Taiwan

NOAH Friends of the Earth Denmark


Nos Voisins Lointains 3.11

Nova Scotia Voice of Women for Peace

Nuclear/Coal-Free Bataan Movement-Philippines

Nuclear Consulting Group

Nuclear Energy Information Service (NEIS)

Nuclear Free Future Foundation

Nuclear Free Western Australia

Nuclear Hotseat Podcast/Broadcast

Nuclear Information and Resource Service

Nuclear Resister

Nuclear Watch South



Ocean Health Cooperative

Office for Systemic Justice, Federation of Sisters of St. Joseph of Canada

Office of Religious Congregations for Integral Ecology

Ontario Clean Air

Oregon Conservancy Foundation

Oregon PeaceWorks

Ottawa Raging Grannies



Pax Christi Australia

Pax Christie afdeling Sint-Niklaas

PAWB (People Against Wylfa B)

PEI (Epekwitk) Fridays for Future Climate Action Group

Peoples Development Community (PDC)


Peterborough Pollinators

Pilgrim Watch

Plattform gegen Atomgefahren Salzburg (PLAGE) / Platform Against Nuclear Dangers

Polen Ecology Collective

Port Hope Community Health Concerns Committee


Prevent Cancer Now

Pro Natura – FoE Switzerland


Quercus – Associação Nacional de Conservação da Natureza / National Association for Nature Conservation 

Rachel Carson Council

Radiation Free Lakeland/Lakes Against Nuclear Dump

Réaction en chaîne humaine

Réseau Sortir du nucléaire


RootsAction Education Fund 

San Luis Obispo Mothers for Peace

Sahabat Alam Malaysia (Friends of the Earth)

Schweinfurter Aktions Bündnis gegen Atomkraft

Scottish Parliament CPG Nuclear Disarmament

Seniors for Climate Action Now! – Ottawa

Sinop Kent Hakları Derneği KENTSAV 

Social Protection Civil Society Network (SPCSN) Nepal

sortir du nucléaire 41

Sortir du nucléaire 72

Sortir du nucléaire Aude (SDN11)

sortir du nucléaire Berrry-Giennois-puisaye

Sortir du Nucléaire Isère

Sortir du nucléaire Paris

Sortir du nucléaire-Touraine

Sortir du Nucléaire Trégor

Southern African Faith Communities’ Environment Institute (SAFCEI)

Stamp Out Poverty

Stichting Natuurlijk Geuldal

Stop Hinkley

STOP the War Coalition Philippines

Stroom naar de Toekomst Limburg

Stroom naar de Toekomst

Sunset Country Spirit Alliance

Sunset Country Spirit Alliance

Sustainable Energy Group


Takagi School

Taiwan Environmental Protection Union

Tamil Nadu Land Rights Federation, Friends Of The Earth, India

The Graham F Smith Peace Foundation

The National Council of Women of Canadaa

The Oxford Coalition for Social Justice

Together Against Sizewell C

UK/Ireland Nuclear Free Local Authorities

Umweltinstitut München e.V.

Union syndicale Solidaires

UNISC International

United National Antiwar Coalition (USA)

Uranium Network

Utilize Our Constitution


Védegylet/Protect the Future

Veterans For Peace

Veterans For Peace Golden Rule Project

Vorarlberger Plattform gegen Atomgefahren

Vote16 Canada

Vivre Sans le Danger Nucléaire de Golfech

Vrede vzw 

Water Watchers

Women Against Nuclear Power 

Waterloo Region Chapter, Council of Canadians

Wiener Plattform Atomkraftfrei / Viennese Platform Nuclear-free

WISE Nederland

Women Against Nuclear Power

Women for Peace – Finland

Women’s Collective

Women’s Healthy Environments Network

Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom

Women’s League for Peace and Freedom, Norway

Women’s democratic club

World BEYOND War 

York Region Environmental Alliance

Yorkshire CND


Yosomono Net France

Young Women Christian Association of Japan – YWCA of Japan 

Za Zemiata/FoE Bulgaria

Zelena akcija / Friends of the Earth Croatia

ZERO – Sistema Terrestre Sustentável




一般社団法人 札幌YWCA

自然エネルギーと泊原発を考える市民の会(Shut TOMARI)

一般社団法人 「たんぽぽ舎」




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